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#045 Time to pause

#045 Time to pause

closing our open tabs

This episode rounds out our second season of the podcast! We are taking a break for a couple of months and we talk about how we got here. Hanna covers how she manages brain space, and what it looks like to take an actual time-out. We will see you again when we return later in the Spring!

#044 Learning to listen

#044 Learning to listen

Welcome back to our brains! We are reacting this week to the 12th episode of Glennon Doyle's podcast "We Can Do Hard Things" (July 27th 2021) and we go down the rabbit hole for sure. How do we see our children (and other people) for who they are today instead of who they have been in the past? What stories are we carrying around about the people we love and how do those get in the way of truly seeing and knowing them, and even hearing them? How can we learn to listen and get out of our kids' (and our own) way?

#043 How are we supposed to do this??

#043 How are we supposed to do this??

Megan and Hanna talk through breaking down the societal rules that we don’t want our children to absorb. How do we keep from passing on what we don’t agree with when we’re still learning ourselves?

#042 Happy holidays!

#042 Happy holidays!

Christmas time is here.

Megan and Hanna discuss the Christmas season and how they plan to celebrate (or not) this year and with their families in the future. Happy holidays to everyone out there, and we hope you are able to be kind to yourselves during a busy season!

#041 My first time

#041 My first time

Hanna’s first pregnancy test

Hanna takes us on the ride of her very first pregnancy test ever! There’s no buns in these ovens, but it’s a beautiful rollercoaster ride to clearing up some brain space. When your cycle just isn’t playing by the rules, all of the thoughts and best/worst case scenarios can take up a lot of room, and there’s only one (almost totally) reliable way to clear up the question marks.

#040 Anytime, anywhere.

#040 Anytime, anywhere.

Caity's 12 month pumping-journey.

Caitlin (Caity) Robinson joins us this week! She’s sharing her story of her son Hunter (a legend by all reports 🤩), who was born with a cleft palate, which made him unable to breastfeed. Caity committed to pumping exclusively, which she kept up until his first birthday. (Quote Hanna: "You are a Ninja!")
Caity talks about the ups and downs within that first year, her struggles and what helped her to keep going and trust herself, what she learned along the way and all that she is grateful for.


Go to our blog for links to all episodes and detailed background info on all of them.

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